Why subscribe to “UX Career Coaching”?

Hi there! How are things? 😊

This space used to help tech professionals improve their written communication skills.

To me, the connection is clear: Communication skills are essential for success in tech. Hard skills alone aren't enough.

But over time, my focus has expanded. I still run workshops and write articles to help tech professionals with communication. Now, I also cover topics like rebuilding confidence at work, adopting a growth mindset, effective networking, and cultivating curiosity.

I've spoken to over 150 tech professionals from around the world, at different levels and in various specializations. Some were UX Researchers and Designers, while others were engineers, data professionals, and Product Managers.

I needed a space to keep building trust and staying connected with them. This is that space!

Whether we've had a discovery call or not, you're welcome to join and get inspired to rebuild your career.

You'll receive actionable insights, quick tips, and interviews with tech industry leaders to guide your next steps.

Looking forward to getting to know you!


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Subscribe to UX Career Coaching

I interview leaders in UX/R, product, data science, and engineering to inspire you with (re)building your tech career. As a career coach using a UX framework to develop talent, I also share my insights.


I'm here to help you stand out and advance in your tech career by giving you UX career coaching tips and interviewing leaders in our field. Let's catch up: https://www.linkedin.com/in/meltemnaz/